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Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy

Building a Foundation for Change

Building a Foundation for Change: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2019–2022 is guided by a vision of Canada where all Canadians benefit from equitable access to and participation in the economic, cultural, social and political spheres. It builds a foundation for long-term action by supporting three guiding principles:

The Government of Canada must take a leading role addressing systemic racism and discrimination when found to exist within our federal institutions and in public policies, programs and services. Recognizing the need for government action to be coordinated, an Anti-Racism Secretariat will be established to lead work across government to coordinate federal action and identify and develop further areas for action through engagement with communities and Indigenous Peoples, stakeholders, and other levels of government.

Indigenous Peoples and communities on the ground who have expertise in addressing various forms of racism and discrimination must be supported. Funding for projects and capacity building at the community level recognizes and enhances their expertise. It allows them to draw on their lived experiences to tailor initiatives to their particular circumstances.

We need to increase awareness of the historical roots of racism and discrimination, and their impacts on our communities and Indigenous Peoples. Data and evidence are indispensable tools for identifying and addressing inequities, and enabling corrective action toward the elimination of racism and discrimination. We need to identify what works, and foster understanding of racism and discrimination and their impacts among all Canadians.

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